Regional Legal Metrology Organization Round Table

A Regional Legal Metrology Organization (RLMO) Round Table meeting
will take place on Monday 3 November 2014 at the
SkyCity Auckland Convention Center

Please note that attendance is restricted to delegates who have been
registered by invited organizations.



Letter from
the Convener



Draft Agenda


  1. Welcome by the convener
  2. Roll call
  3. Confirmation of the agenda
  4. Terms of Reference of the Round Table
    The meeting will discuss whether it is desirable to draft more formalized terms of reference for the RLMO Round Table.
  5. Updates from the regional organizations
    The regional organizations are invited to give a brief presentation of their activities during the past year.
  6. Possible common actions
  7. Information on the scope and activities of the advisory group on developing country matters
    The advisory group on developing country matters was set up by the CIML in 2013 (see CIML Resolution 2013/9, reproduced in the annex). The chair of the advisory group, Mr. Pu, the CIML Member for China, or his representative, will provide an update on the activities of the advisory group.
  8. Discussion on cooperation between RLMOs and the advisory group on developing country matters
  9. New web pages for the RLMO Round Table on the OIML web site
    In previous Round Table discussions, it was suggested that better use could be made of the OIML web site in the communication between the participants. Now that the OIML web site is being reconstructed, it is a good opportunity to discuss possible functionalities that could be made available on the RLMO web pages.
  10. Other matters
  11. Conclusions
    The convener will report the conclusions of this Round Table at the 49th CIML Meeting, which will be held the following days.
  12. Arrangements for a next RLMO Round Table and closure of the meeting