Version 3

Version 2

Note: Please save the contents of the zip file
into the same folder so that the links
in the WD function correctly.
Additional last minute files to download:
Opening speeches
Approval of the Agenda
1 |
Approval of the minutes of the 48th CIML Meeting
2 |
General report by the CIML President
3 |
BIML matters
3.1 Report on BIML activities
3.2 Progress with the new OIML website
4 |
Member States and Corresponding Members
5 |
Financial matters
5.1 Approval of the 2013 accounts
5.1bis Re-appointment of the external accountant
5.2 Management of the Translation Center
5.3 Renovation of the BIML building
5.4 Forecast budget realization 2014
5.5 Outstanding arrears of Member States and Corresponding Members
6 |
Report on developing countries matters
6.1 BIML activities in liaison with other international organizations
6.2 Advisory group on countries and economies with emerging metrology systems
6.3 Special project aimed at developing countries
6.4 Modeling: Benefits of legal metrology
7 |
7.1 Report on the cooperation with the BIPM
7.2 Report by the BIML on liaison activities
7.3 Reports from / presentations by Liaison Organizations
7.4 Information regarding the RLMO Round Table
8 |
Technical activities
8.1 Implementation of the revised B 6: Directives for OIML technical work
8.2 Items for information
8.3 Items for approval
8.4 OIML Systems: the Basic Certificate System
8.5 OIML Systems: the MAA
9 |
Preparation of the 15th Conference (2016)
9.1 Information about the organization of the 15th Conference (2016)
9.2 Proposal for an interpretation of the Convention
10 |
Other matters
11 |
12 |
Future meetings
12.1 50th CIML Meeting (2015)
12.2 51st CIML Meeting (2016)
13 |
Approval of meeting resolutions |